State - supported education (only for Russian nationals and nationals whose parents were born in the USSR)
Tuition fee - based
Program description
The aim of the program is to prepare high-level specialist and develop professional skills in urban design and architecture with special emphasis on doing a project - based learning.
A graduate of the program can change the urban space to meet the modern needs of society. The direction of urban design is new, but at the same time it is in great demand. The graduate gains knowledge in the field of urban design, sustainable design, human-centered design, knows the principles of universal design in an urban environment.
During their studies, students undergo practical training in leading design organizations and workshops. Course architectural projects are also performed on a real basis. The presence of a botanical garden at the university makes it possible to conduct research and study plants for their use in projects.
Top reasons to study
Practical orientation -participation in real projects, work under the guidance of practicing architects and designers
Internationality- participation in international projects, exhibitions
Individual learning path- you will be able to deal with the type of projects that will be of interest to you for subsequent employment
Scientific work opportunity- participation in research projects
Core subjects
8 credits
Architectural design
2 credits
Pre-project analysis in design
3 credits
User-Centered Design
3 credits
Ecological design in an urban environment
3 credits
Color and Composition of the Urban Environment
2 credits
Principles of Universal Design in an Urban Environment
4 credits
Experimental design
3 credits
Landscape urbanism
3 credits
The Phenomenon of the Russian Avant-garde: History and Influence on Contemporary Architecture and Design
3 credits
Shrinking cities and the renovation of depressed urban areas
3 credits
Human centered design
2 credits
Visual communication and Designing media technologies in an urban environment
3 credits
Materials of the XXI century andModern engineering equipment and technologies in urban environment projects
2 credits
City brand: economic programming and architectural design
2 credits
Environmental problems and environmental pollution
4 credits
Research work
12 credits
Project practice
4 credits
Design of urban public spaces
Graduates with an excellent degree in architecture, landscape architecture, urban planning, or other related discipline, as well as practical or professional experience in their field or in urban design are invited to apply.
Career path
Graduates of this course can work in architectural workshops, design bureaus, administrative structures. They are able to come up with a conceptual idea and implement it in real design, analyze and organize the urban environment.
Andra Ulme
Associate Professor Rīgas Tehniskā universitāte MLĶF, Dizaina Tehnoloģiju institūts
Yulia Gorgorova
Professor Academy of Architecture and Fine Arts
Anatoly Mosin
Architect, Director of the Architectural Bureau Project
Anna Badavi
Senior lecturer Academy of Architecture and Fine Arts
Elina Krasilnikova
Professor, PhD in Architecture
Elena Batunova
Politecnico di Milano, Italy, Department of Architecture and Urban Studies, PhD in Architecture